BBC World News - HARDtalk, Alan Dershowitz - US lawyer, 'Impeachment sets  precedent against free speech'

I am pleased that you are reading this.

I am a victim of the current regressive war against freedom of speech being waged by well-meaning and not so well-meaning dangerous censors such as Amazon. There is no other attorney in the whole world who I would pick to take my case against Amazon to court to win a victory for free speech and freedom for me and for the entire USA. You are the best and I need the best. Especially with your timely books including The Case Against The New Censorship, the mere thought of your taking this case would cause Amazon management to shudder in their boots. Plus it would be a major service you can do for me and your country.

By the way, I first tried to reach you via email and USPS. Building a website titled came later as my first conventional attempts were fruitless. I am stubborn sir, so I do not know what my next step will be to gain your attention.

I have put the entire contents of the letter I sent to you in this article below. My phone # is in the original article and periodically I will email your Harvard email with my contact information. I hope to hear from you soon. You are clearly the best Lawyer in America and the world for my case against Amazon. Defending civil liberties is your schtick and you are the best at it. Thank you for "hearing" my plea.   

Brian W. Kelly
Lets Go Publish! Publisher
PO Box 621
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

October 27, 2021

Subject: Please Take my case v Amazon and be a co-author for a new book titled Canceled

Attorney Alan Dershowitz
c/o Harvard University Law School
1575 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02138

Dear Attorney Dershowitz

Amazon terminated my account on September 15, 2021. Prior to this, I had written 290 books published mostly by Amazon. I published them through my small one man shop, called Lets Go Publish!—

I just bought your new book, Case Against the New Censorship: Protecting Free Speech from Big Tech, Progressives, and Universities.  I have seen you in action when you defended the President during his impeachment troubles as well as a guest on many Network Talk shows. I know you and your firm would be the best lawyers to take my case against Amazon

From my perspective Amazon seized my business when they terminated my account. In essence, they canceled me. They no longer answer my emails. They have all of my books' files which I cannot access since I cannot sign on. Though they cited a problem with one book in this latest round of censorship, they stopped the sales of all 290 books and so my company no longer has a source of income.

At over $130,000 per book average lifetime earnings, both my paperback and Kindle books damages come to about $77 million. A book as you know is an annuity. I always assured my wife that my book sales upon my death would be better for her than a normal insurance policy. As you can imagine it would be an awful lot of work to recreate all of these ready to go print-on-demand books. At 73 years of age, I am not sure I am up to that task. Right now, I would like to right this wrong.  Amazon had no right to shut down my business.

They do not like free speech. They had previously blocked 15 of my books before they terminated my account. is my author profile on Amazon. It needs a little more work to be fully accurate. Here is the reason for their blocking my first book titled Coronavirus: the Cause; the Cure on Friday, April 17, 2020, Kindle Direct  wrote the following:

Due to the rapidly changing nature of information around the COVID-19 virus, we are referring customers to official sources for health information about the virus. As a result we are not offering your book for sale.

Amazon reserves the right to determine what content we offer according to our content guidelines.  You can find our content guidelines on the KDP website:

I smelled a rat and I was right. Amazon had no right to censor one of my books for any reason. So, believing that their reason was made up on the fly, I changed the title and changed less than a paragraph of the book to make it match the title. The book already contained information about Hydroxychloroquine. The new title became Hydroxychloroquine: The Game Changer. This was before liberal progressives had a war against therapeutics such as hydroxychloroquine. 

This past summer, a year and half after Hyrdroxychloroquine The Game Changer sold about 300 copies, I wanted to update it and I refreshed about 30% of it and released a new book titled as follows:

HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE Much-Maligned- Super Drug
From the author of the best-selling book
Hydroxychloroquine: the Game Changer

Amazon held it up for review immediately. By then hydroxychloroquine was something that could not be embraced in the liberal printed word. They claimed that the words for the book came from things freely available on the Internet. I cautioned them that it was a second edition of The Game Changer book. 70% of the new book had already sold over 300 copies on Amazon and this was just an update.  The book sold for about two years by Amazon was tiled Hydroxychloroquine: The Game Changer. After a long back and forth, they censored the update and in what was an unprecedented move, they went back and censored (blocked) the original book for  future sales.  Then just a few days later, they terminated my account and now all of my 290 titles have no home. 

After they blocked the “Much Maligned Super Drug” book, I released another version called

288 Hydroxychloroquine Worthless! Worthless! Worthless!

Do they swear by it? Do they say it is pure hokum?


Because this title appeared to be anti-hydroxychloroquine, before they terminated my account, they had approved it.

288 Hydroxychloroquine Worthless! Worthless! Worthless!

Do they swear by it? Do they say it is pure hokum?


My complete catalog of titles is listed at, my small publishing company. The titles are listed in the lead article on the site. I have to update it but it is pretty accurate.

I respect your abilities to the utmost and would love it if you would take my case.

I have finished a book about my case.  When you contact me, I would love to send it to you. I think I will title the new book Canceled. It is available for your edits and finalization if you wish.


Subtitle:  Amazon: The Biggest Bully in Town Canceled Me!

This big bully blocked 15 books before the end of 2021 by the most published non-fiction author in America. By the way, nobody contests that I am the most published non-fiction living author in the country.

I would appreciate it immensely if you would consider co-authoring this book with me? Other than another edit or two, it is finished. You could have your team check the contents and change whatever you think is appropriate.  I would be pleased to make you the major partner and you would receive the bulk of the proceeds.

Here are the covers of the three Hydroxychloloroquine books


As noted above, the second book was supposed to be an update but they censored it and then went back and censored the first book. The third book was approved. Amazon is both incompetent and nasty.

Please accept me as a client and as a co-author. You can change the book in whatever way you feel is appropriate. I trust you implicitly.

Thank you for your consideration



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